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City state of Athens: Policy document for the preservation of the Ship of Theseus
George Crabbe Poetry Competition 2023 – 2nd Prize
Adjudicator: Tamar Yoseloff
1 Uplift the nails. Extract the nails one at a time, keeping the structure in place. Melt down the metal to make ammunition to use against the demonstrators. 2 Uplift the decking. Take up the planks one at a time, replacing each one with a replica. Use the wood to make coffins for those killed by government troops. 3 Uplift the sails. Take down the sails one at a time, replacing each one with a replica. Use the cloth to make shrouds for the dead. 4 Uplift the rigging. Take down the masts one at a time, replacing each one with a replica. Cut the masts into poles to make handles for the pallbearers. 5 Uplift the oars. Take out the oars one at a time, replacing each one with a replica. Shape them into tools to dig the graves. 6 Consider: Now is it still the Ship of Theseus? 7 Scrub and scour the surfaces to get rid of the memory of the abused and abandoned women: 7.1 Ariadne 7.2 Phaedra 7.3 Hippolyte 7.4 Antiope 7.5 Helen of Troy 7.6 Anaxo 7.7 Periboea 7.8 Aegle 7.9 Peregune 7.10 Xenodita
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