Library Books

The society has a library of poetry books that have been lodged with the University of Suffolk for safe keeping and to allow access to a wider audience.

Members of the public are required to join the library in order to access them. They are freely available to students.

Members are very welcome to visit the Library and borrow the SPS books on loan. This involves applying to be an associate member of the Library. The Library has given full instructions on how to do this on their website. Please note that you need to plan ahead before any visit, getting an email from the Society’s Secretary ( confirming you are a member, and you will then have to allow time for the Library to process your application.

The arrangement is detailed below.

This document outlines the agreement in place between:

THE UNIVERSITY OF SUFFOLK, of  (“the University” or “the Library”)

This agreement relates to a collection of resources (“the Collection”) deposited by Suffolk Poetry Society, with the University Of Suffolk Library. A full list of items contained within the collection can be found in Appendix A (see table below).

This document updates and replaces the agreement signed by Suffolk Poetry Society 6th February 2017.

Duration of agreement
This agreement is to be in place for as long as both parties continue to be active organisations.

Should the University of Suffolk cease to be an active organisation, the University or its representatives shall notify the Society to arrange the return of the Collection, or the re-deposit of the Collection with another library of a cultural or educational nature. A notice period of no less than one calendar month shall be given in so far as is reasonably practicable.

Should the Society cease to be an active organisation, the Society or its representatives shall notify the University to arrange the permanent deposit of the Collection with the Library, or the return of the Collection for disposal in line with the Society’s charitable provisions. A notice period of no less than one calendar month shall be given in so far as is reasonably practicable.

Management of the Collection
Items listed in Appendix A are to be held within the Library collection at the University of Suffolk. A dynamic list of the current holdings shall be provided to the Society.

Items held within the Collection are to be clearly identified as belonging to the Society.

New items to the Collection can be added through agreement with the Library.

Items held within the Collection are to be managed by the Library, this includes the replacement of items lost or damaged by members of the University’s borrowing community, unless members of the Society.

Where an item within the Collection is lost or damaged the Library is to notify the Society’s Secretary.

The Library shall provide the Society with loan data for the Collection within 21 working days of the request being received.

Access to the collection by members of the Society
Members of the Society shall have free access, with borrowing privileges, to the collection, through the Associate membership scheme in place at the Library.

Borrowing shall be in line with the Library’s borrowing and overdue policy. A copy of the current policy can be obtained from the Library.

Should members of the Society wish to access other areas of the Library collection, a fee will be charged to each individual, in line with the Library Associate membership scheme.

Where borrowing is not required members of the Society shall be permitted access through pre-arranged reference access. This shall be arranged by contacting the Library at least one working day in advance of the visit.

The Library reserves the right to update its policies to ensure they remain aligned with sector standards. The Society and the Library will review the agreement annually on 1st August in the light of any possible change in Library policies.

To access the library, report to the University Waterfront building to get a pass at:

The University of Suffolk Library
Learning Services
University of Suffolk
Waterfront Building
Neptune Quay

AuthorsTitleClassISBNCopiesLibrary Accession Number
Abbs, PPersonae; and other selected poems.821.91 ABB18714387721410061
Abse, DA poet in the family821.91 ABS009119430X1410122
Adcock, FThe Faber book of 20th century women’s poetry821.91085711369311410201
Adcock, FTime-zones821.91 ADC1928283121410146
Allan, VEast Anglian enchantment821.91C329491410199
Arkell, RMore green fingers; another present for a good gardener.821.91 ARKC330061410047
Auden, W. H.The Poets tongue; an anthology chosen by W.H. Auden and John Garrett.821C329931410078
Auden, W. H.W. H. Auden; A selection by the author.821.91 AUDC329751410132
Barker, JThe Poetry book society anthology 1986/87821.91916596121410190
Benson, G and Chernaik, JPoems on the underground821C330171410148
Betjeman, JCollected poems821.91 BET7195363241410058
Betjeman, JUncollected poems821.917195396921410056
Bonnefoy, YSelected poems of Yves Bonnefoy0C330181410168
Bray, DThe Original order of Shakespeare’s sonnets822.33C329411410071
Brecht, BPoems 1913-1956831.9 BRE4131521031410144
Briggs, W. A.Great poems of the English language; An anthology of verse in English from Chaucer to the moderns821C329951410223
Brooke, RThe Poetic works of Rupert Brooke821.91 BROC329141410050
Brown, CCollected poems821.91 BRO7493917821410142
Browning, RThe poems of Robert Browning; Volume II 1844- 1864.821.8 BROC329811410069
Brownjohn, ANineteen poems821.91 BROC329371410130
Burns, RPoems and songs of Robert Burns821.6 BURC329961410028
Caincross, A. S.Longer poems old and new821C329721410198
Cairncross, A. S.Poems old and new; an anthology.821C329501410196
Cecil, DThe English poets821C329711410029
Chambers, HAn Enormous yes; in memoriam Philip Larkin (1922- 1985).821.919052918591410206
Chaucer, GThe Prologue; The Knights tale, The Noone preestes tale from The Canterbury Tales821.1 CHAC329801410070
Chesterton, G. K.Stories, essays and poems823.91 CHEC329771410049
Clare, JSelected poems and prose of John Clare821.7 CLA1928123271410167
Clare, JThe Shepherd’s calendar821.8 CLA1928114281410145
Clark, LA Fool in the forest821.91 CLA2347785391410133
Clifford, JVanity Press and the proper poetry publishers821.919522503571410212
Cohen, J. M.A choice of comic and curious verse8211404218661410202
Cohen, J. M.The Penguin book of comic and curious verse821C329631410200
Cohen, J. M.Yet more comic and curious verse821C329641410211
Contantine, DMadder821.91 CON18522403931410000
Cope, WMaking Cocoa for Kingsly Amis821.91 COP5711374741409999
Couzyn, JThe Bloodaxe book of contemporary women poets; eleven British writers.821.919064278001410031
Cox, C. B. and Dyson, Anthony EdwardModern poetry; studies in practical criticism.821.91C329541410026
Cramond, JEarly & late821.91 CRAC329201409996
Crossley-Holland, KevinKevin Crossley-Holland’s East Anglian poems821.91 CRO9509270741410001
Crucefix, MA madder ghost821.91 CRU19005641061410004
Davies, DPoems from Suffolk821.91 DAVC329841410034
De La Mare, WThe Listeners; and other poems.821.91 DELC329181410075
De La Mere, WA choice of De La Mare’s verse821.91 DELC329191410065
Dell, KOne for sorrow; poems by Kate Dell.821.91 DELC329821409997
Devereux, MThe Mary Devereux collection; A selection of poems by Beccles poet Mary Bevereux including the ‘Fred’ series.821.91 DEVC329851410033
Donne, JJone Donne; A selection of his poetry821.3 DONC329761410118
Dufau, J. C.If they but saw the sea821.91 DUF18603393281410032
Durrell, L, Jennings, E and Thomas, R. S.Penguin modern poets 1.821.91C329511410195
Engleheart, FFrancis Engleheart; A selection of poetry821.91 ENGC330101410006
Enright, D. J.Daughters of earth821.91 ENRC329391410188
France, LSixty women poets821.910818522425231410205
Frankau, GSelected poems821.91 FRAC329381410171
Gillett, EPoems821.91 GILC329271410002
Gonzalez, JIf your love was snowlike and other poems821.91 GONC329651
Gonzalez, J and Payne, MBeyond the pale821.91 GON090413525X1
Grace, BPoems of potential peace and plenty821.91 GRA9514213951410003
Grace, BPoems; wry, rueful and risible.821.91 GRA9514213521410005
Greacen, RYoung Mr. Gibbon; poems by Robert Greacen.821.91 GREC329401410187
Grigson, GCollected poems 1963-1980821.91 GRI8503141941410072
Guinness, SThe New Irish poets821.9118522467311410210
Gulston, C and Macnab, RSouth African poetry; A new anthology.821.91C330161410076
Hampton, CA cornered freedom821.91 HAM9052912471410153
Hanford, RAn Essex garland; Poems by members of the Essex poetry and prose society.82191C329671410204
Hannah, SThe Hero and the girl next door821.91 HAN18575411381410154
Hardy, TPoems of Thomas Hardy; A new selection821.8 HAR3332268011410035
Hardy, TThe New Wessex selection of Thomas Hardy’s poetry821.8 HAR3332278401410172
Harris, RNo headstone; poems by Renée Harris.821.91 HAR9527231071410186
Harris, RWho but you821.91 HAR9527231151530986
Heaney, SDeath of a naturalist821.91 HEA5710902491410143
Heaney, SDoor into the dark821.91 HEA5711012671410207
Heaney, SField work821.91 HEA5711143341410178
Heaney, SPreoccupations; selected prose 1968-1978.821.91 HEA5711331263410179
Heaney, SSeeing things82191 HEA5711446912410184
Heaney, SStation island821.91 HEA5711330292410180
Heaney, SThe Haw lantern821.91 HEA057114781X1410176
Heaney, SThe Spirit level821.91 HEA5711782272506258
Heaney, SWintering out821.91 HEA5711015851410175
Heath, VWorking class poets vol. 2; Vic Heath bulding trade worker.821.91 HEAC329661410194
Herbert, GThe Temple; Sacred poems and private ejaculations by George Herbert.821.3C329731410027
Hodgart, MThe Faber book of Ballads821C329301410077
Hopkins, G. M.Gerard Manley Hopkins; The major poems.821.8 HOP046011929X1410155
Hubbard, SVenetian red821.91 HUBC329251410149
Hughes, TSeason songs821.91 HUG5711373341410134
Hughes, TSelected Poems 1957-1967821.91 HUG5710892671410135
Jasper, BResponse to the call; An anthology of verse.821.91 JASC329362410128
John, RBelieving words are real821.91 JOH9024003391410127
Kaplan, DLewis Hine in Europe; The Lost photographs.770.92 HIN8965974581410240
Kazantzis, JSwimming though the Grand Hotel; poems 1993 1996.821.91 KAZ19005642031410119
Keats, JThe Poetical works of John Keats; edited with an introduction and textual notes by H. Buxton Forman.821.7 KEAC330091410048
Khayyám, ORubáiyát of Omar Khayyám821.8 KHAC329871410125
Kipling, RudyardA choice of Kipling’s verse821.8 KIP5710544471410059
Kipling, RudyardA Kipling anthology; Verse.821.8 KIPC330071410054
Kipling, RudyardThe seven seas821.8 KIPC330131409995
Kirk, KThe impact of steel; poems from a lifetime.821.91 KIR9036102801409990
Larkin, PHigh Windows821.91 LAR5711145121410182
Larkin, PThe Whitsun weddings821.91 LARC329692410055
Lear, EEdward Lear’s nonsense songs821.8 LEAC330191410158
Lee, LSelected poems821.91 LEE1400775021410170
Lockyear, HThe man from the sea821.91 LOCC329241410160
Lomas, HThe vale of Todmorden821.91 LOM19000728151410064
Lowbury, EThe Poetrical works of Andrew Young; edited and with notes by Edward Lowbury and Alison Young.821.91 YOU4362688411410053
Lucie-Smith, EBritish Poetry since 1945821.91C329901410216
Macbeth, GPoetry 1900 to 1945821.91C329911410215
Martin, J. P.Uncle stories809.89994114151410173
Merry, RA Crack in the wall821.91 MER187416116X1409987
Methuen, AAn Anthology of modern verse821.91C329891410221
Mole, JSelected poems821.91 MOL18561955111410151
Morris, WSelected poems821.8 MOR8563592621410165
Morrison, BSeamus Heaney821.91 HEA4163190091410007
Morrison, B and Motion, AThe Penguin book of contemporary British poetry821.911404228381410174
Nicholson, NSelected poems 1940-1982821.91 NIC5711195061409985
Nicolson, HEngland an anthology821C330031410217
Owen, WThe Poems of Wilfred Owen821.91 OWE070121015X1410152
Palgrave, F. T.The Golden treasury; of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language.821C328881409981
Pateman, KPoetry now; National anthology East Anglia 1995.821.91185731431X1410189
Petrucci, MXenia821.914 MON97819103455351597063
Petrucci, MShrapnel and Sheets821.914 PET9030749231599038
Petrucci, MSomewhere is January821.914 PET97819056490681599034
Petrucci, MHeavy Water: A Poem for Chernobyl821.914 PET97818435925181599036
Petrucci, MFearnought: Poems for Southwell Workhouse821.914 PET97818435925181599036
Petrucci, MAfterlove821.914 PET17886409501599035
Petrucci, MPoetry in Performance: Intertexuality, Intra- textuality Poecletics821.914 PET1599044
Petrucci, MThe Havering Poetry Study Pack / The Stamina of Sheep (The Havering Poems)821.914 PET1599045
Petrucci, MI Tulips821.914 PET97819046349351599040
Petrucci, MFlowers of Sulphur821.914 PET97819046343791599039
Petrucci, MCrib821.914 PET97819075878011599033
Petrucci, MBeloved: 81 Poems from Hafez821.914 PET97817803743071599041
Petrucci, M
Heavy Water: A Film of Chernobyl (DVD)
363.799 HEA1595121
Plath, SWinter trees821.91 PLA5710973911410074
Plomer, WSelected poems; Vol. 1.821.91 PLOC328851409979
Price, CPictures against skin821.91 PRI18734682451409988
Pybus, RCicadas in their summers821.91 PYB8563576341410116
Quiller-Couch, AThe Oxford book of English verse 1250- 1918821C329941410222
Raine, CA Free translation821.91 RAI9075400231410164
Raine, CA Martian sends a postcard home821.91 RAI019211896X1410150
Raine, KThe Oracle in the heart821.91 RAI8510534751410163
Rose, H. J.A Handbook of Greek literature; from Homer to the age of Lucian.880C329701410219
Sbath, J. N.Poémes821.91 SBA22430265031410166
Scannell, VNew and collected poems 1950- 1980821.91 SCA8605110571410131
Schneider, MInsisting on yellow; new and selected poems.821.91 SCH19005648661410060
Scott, HAdam and Eve and us821.91 SCOC329131410051
Scott, HMany a summer821.91 SCO9481343211410169
Scott, HPart of silence821.91 SCO9476811082410141
Scott, HSuffolk house821.91 SCOC329231410140
Scott, HWhen the words are gone821.91 SCO7011191441410073
Scott, HWhere shadows fall821.91 SCO9057725631410136
Scott, WPoems by Sir Walter Scott821.7 SCOC330051410123
Scott, WScott’s narrative poetry; being abridgements of The Lay of the last minstrel, Marmion, and The Lady of the lake821.7 SCOC329881410220
Serote, M. W.A Tough tale821.91 SER9047598061410161
Shakespeare, WilliamThe Complete works of William Shakespeare822.337196000061410126
Shakespeare, WilliamThe Sonnets822.33C329421410120
Sharp, TA Poet’s life821.91185786459X1410203
Shelley, P. B.Plays, translations and longer poems; volume 2.821.7 SHEC329151410052
Smith, J. C.A Study of Wordsworth821.7 WORC329861410121
Smith, KTender to the Queen of Spain821.91 SMI18522426121410066
Stainer, PLittle Egypt821.91 STA9518800121410162
Stannard, JRina’s war821.91 STA18714719311410159
Steven, KWild horses821.91 STE7152079891410063
Stillman, FThe Poet’s manual and rhyming dictionary808.15002703091410030
Thomas, DDylan Thomas miscellany; poems, stories, broadcasts.821.91 THOC330111409991
Thomas, DMiscellany Two; A visit to Grandpa’s and other stories and poems.821.91 THOC328861409978
Thomas, DUnder milk wood; A play for voices.822.91 THOC330121409992
Thwaite, ASelected poems 1956-1996821.91 THW19005645561409998
Turk, TRecollections821.91 TURC329211410137
Turner, KCatkins in the wind; poems.821.91 TURC329261409994
Untermeyer, LThe Albatross book of living verse; English and American poetry from the thirteenth century to the present day.821C329921410079
Van Doren, MAn anthology of world poetry821C330041410218
Walpole, JLeonard Squirrell; A biographical scrapbook.759.26 SQUC329791409993
Watts, JHearings; Poems 1992-1993.821.91 WAT9524109071410057
Weedon, AFire horse821.91 WEEC329221410139
Whitman, WLeaves of Grass811.4 WHIC329831410124
Wicker, GJade; A selection of poems.821.91 WIC18704420081410138
Wood, MA Wall cracks821.91 WOO18705561861409977
Wood, MThe Day’s canvas821.91 WOO19007269041409980
Wyatt, TSelected poems821.2 WYA18575422901409986

Old Possum’s book of practical cats821.91 ELI5710457821410157

Pen power; An anthology of prose and verse writing by the Creative Writing Group U3A Carrick.821.91C329781410192

Poems of to-day821.91C329531410191

Poems of To-day; an anthology.821.91C329741410197

Robert Louis Stevenson; Heritage trail.823.8 STEC329291410068

The Guide to book publishers 2000; The complete guide to book publishers in the UK and Ireland.70.5025190271301X1410177

The Neighbours; an animal anthology821C329521410037

The Oxford book of light verse821C330141409989

The Use of poetry and the use of criticism821.91 ELIC329681410038

Writing together Suffolk writing groups; Word play a Suffolk celebration of reading and writing.821.91086055208X1410193

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