Gift Aid and Suffolk Poetry Society

Suffolk Poetry Society became a charity, Registered Number 1162298, in 2015.

One of the benefits of being a charity is that donations and subscriptions attract Gift Aid, if the donor/subscriber are eligible.

Gift Aid adds 25% to the subscription/donation at no cost to the giver. It comes entirely from the revenue, HMRC.

The donation/subscription is eligible if the donor/subscriber pays an amount of income tax in the UK that equals or exceeds the amount that the charity can claim. See this explanation for details.

In effect, HMRC is donating part of the donor’s tax to their chosen charity. Surely, that is something we would all want?

As the highest subscription to SPS is currently (2022-3) £23, then the Gift Aid would be 25% of £23 = £5.75.

This is a considerable increase in funds to SPS, but a trivial amount to HMRC.

You can let SPS know that your subscriptions/donations qualify for Gift Aid by completing this form. Either scan it and email it to the Treasurer, or post it to SPS Treasurer at 64 Broom Street, Great Cornard, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 0JT.

You only need to do this once, unless you are no longer eligible.

Remember that if your circumstances change, and you no longer pay tax in the UK, it is important to inform the society so that it no longer claims for you.

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