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Crabbe Poetry Competition Anthology 2022
In 2022, Blake Morrison was the adjudicator. 1st Prize was Phil Baker with ‘Shelling Broad Beans’ 2nd Prize was Roger West with ‘They beheaded my father this morning’ 3rd Prize was Caroline Gilfillan with “My Grandmother Visits the Father She’s Never Known (1883)’
Crabbe Poetry Competition Anthology 2023
In 2023, Tamar Yoseloff was the adjudicator. Nicola Warwick won First Prize.
Crabbe Poetry Competition Anthology 2024
In 2024, Luke Wright was the adjudicator of the Crabbe Poetry Competition. The anthology contains all the winning and commended poems, plus adjudicator’s comments.
Ripples: Poems – Selections by Elizabeth Cook
Ripples: Poems – Selections by Elizabeth Cook for Suffolk Poetry Society’s 70th Anniversary
Twelve Rivers Vol.13 Iss.2 Autumn-Winter 2022
Twelve Rivers magazine Vol.13 Iss.2 Autumn-Winter 2022. Suffolk Poetry Society at Seventy – Part 2: 1997-2022 Past Chairs Reminisce Writing with a Difference Losing the Thread: Storytelling Past and Present The Sonnet The Long Poem In Conversation with Carol Lawrence
On a Knife Edge
This collection of poems, which aims to draw attention to the plight of nature in the UK, was inspired by the theme of the Lettering Arts Trust exhibition On a Knife Edge.
Poems in the Case by Michael Bartholomew-Biggs
Note: This product is the book of Poems in the Case. If you want a ticket to the 7th Festival of Suffolk Poetry performance of an excerpt from the book, click here. When participants gather at a poetry workshop in rural Kent they are looking forward to a preview of a collection of posthumously discovered,…