Arlington’s Poetry Café, Ipswich

Arlington’s Poetry Café, Ipswich meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

The poets meet at the Ipswich Institute. Usually it is a small group and people are welcome to share their poems by reading them or passing round copies. Coffee and cake included for £5 with wine and other drinks on sale.

The library door is in Tavern St near to the Body shop. It will be open just before 7pm.

Contact:  Fred Ellis, PoetryAnglia, 07946 529197






One response to “Arlington’s Poetry Café, Ipswich”

  1. R Longhurst library assistant

    The poets meet at the Ipswich Institute on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Usually it is a small group and people are welcome to share their poems by reading them or passing round copies. Coffee and cake included for £5 with wine and other drinks on sale.

    The library door is in Tavern St near to the Body shop. It will be open just before 7pm. contact

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